Bioidentical Hormones and PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS for short, is a real and serious problem for many women. PCOS causes a whole range of symptoms, including weight gain, anovulation, excessive hair growth and acne, that can affect your wellbeing and everyday life.

The exact cause has remained a mystery for decades, but what we do know is that there appears to be a correlation between polycystic ovarian syndrome and hormone imbalances. Specifically, PCOS seems to present itself when ovulation doesn’t occur on a normal schedule and there is an excess of androgens.

Because PCOS is linked to hormone imbalance, treatment options such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may be able to help. Read on to learn more about why BHRT may be the best option to get your symptoms under control.

What Is PCOS?

PCOS is a fairly common health issue, affecting up to 10% of the female population. It includes several different symptoms, such as:

  • Loss of Your Period
  • Anovulation (no ovulation)
  • Weight Gain
  • Excessive Hair Growth
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Acne
  • Hair Loss
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Darkening of the Skin

These symptoms are significant and can produce a real negative effect on you and your life. That’s why more women are now seeking treatment for these symptoms, instead of simply living with them.

What Causes PCOS?

The first case of PCOS was diagnosed in 1935, but only in recent years has a cause been identified. PCOS comes about when ovulation doesn’t happen as it’s supposed to. This disrupts your hormones, as they live in quite a delicate balance. If you don’t ovulate, then male hormones in your body, such as testosterone, increase. The increase in androgens leads to a lot of the symptoms you can experience, such as hair loss and the loss of your period.

How to Treat PCOS

In recent times, doctors have largely prescribed birth control in order to help manage PCOS symptoms. The theory behind this is quite sound: If you’re taking birth control, you’re regulating your hormones and ovulation. If you’re in control of your ovulation, then you should see a lot less of the PCOS symptoms you’re experiencing.

In theory birth control is a good way of managing your PCOS. In practice, though, birth control comes with its own set of problems.

Regular birth control is well known for causing side effects in women who use it. These symptoms can and do vary from person to person. One woman, for example, may experience weight gain, while another may see elevated blood pressure. The symptoms can range from being mild in nature to actually causing damage to your health.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Safe, Alternative Solution

Because birth control can cause so many problems, women are now looking for alternatives that can manage their PCOS without causing the side effects of birth control. This is where Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT, can help.

BHRT is a hormone replacement therapy that uses hormones identical to what’s already found in your body. The hormones are harvested from plants and they are a natural molecular match to the hormones your body already produces. Many women prefer using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy over birth control, which uses synthetic hormones. With the right hormone levels, your body can get back to normal and you can start feeling better again.

BHRT works to level out your hormones, whereas birth control works to suppress them in order to keep you from getting pregnant. Many women have reported that BHRT has helped them get back to their normal selves, without the side effects of birth control.

Treating PCOS with Bioidentical Hormones

If you are interested in learning more about BHRT as a treatment option for PCOS, the first thing you need to do is talk to a doctor about starting treatment. Your BHRT doctor will examine you and review your full medical history, ensuring that BHRT is safe for you and the best treatment option.

Once you and your doctor decide whether BHRT is right for you, your BHRT specialist will prescribe a course of treatment tailored just for you. This could take many different forms, such as pills, patches or creams, depending you and your needs. You may not see results right away. In fact, some women need up to three months to see results. Stick with the treatment program prescribed by your doctor, and you’ll see a lessening of your symptoms.

If you have PCOS, it’s worth talking to a doctor right away about BHRT. You’ll be amazed at how much it can help you feel better in your own body.

If you’re interested in learning more about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and how it can work to help treat PCOS, contact a local Salt Lake City, Utah Bioidentical Hormone Doctor today.

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